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Simple solution to get kids eating their school lunch.

Posted on Aug 21, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

With our continued concern with the economy, it got me thinking about how to avoid "wasting" money.Yeah, wasting money, throwing money away! As your kids get ready to go back to school, I am reminded of a study I read last year in September.A study funded by a cheese manufacturer (mini Babybel) found that:

  • 60% of kids did not eat everything in their lunchboxes
  • 21% of 7 to 8 yr olds said they never ate anything from their lunchboxes.
Now before you get completely disheartened and throw your hands in the air - here's the kicker:

79% of kids said they would eat the food in their lunchboxes if they could help prepare it!

So as you get ready to tackle school lunches, think about involving your child and have them help in picking foods that they like and are healthy.


School lunch - Wellness Policy





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