If your child or family has recently decided to follow a vegetarian diet, you may be feeling a little lost with what to do in the kitchen. Everyone has different reasons for vegetarianism, but regardless of the reason, it’s important to know what to eat to make sure you’re not missing out on the essential nutrients found in animal products, including protein, calcium, and iron.
Some children do not eat enough iron and feel weak and tired. Tips for increasing your child's iron intake. Positive food tips to encourage children to eat more iron rich foods,
Low iron levels in children can lead to anemia. Iron deficiency is more common among babies, toddlers and preschoolers simply because their increased iron needs may not be met by their dietary intake. Learn the dangers of too much or too little iron in a child's diet. How much iron does your child really need?
There are two different forms of dietary iron, one from animals and one from plants. Learn the foods that are very good in iron compared to those that are ok sources of iron for our child's meal plan.
Iron is an important part of any child's diet. This is a nutrient that vegetarian and vegan children must take special care to ensure they get enough in their meals to prevent sickness. Tips on ensuring this nutrient is in your vegetarian or vegan child's meal plan.