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Family Nutrition Blog


Our blog ‘Nourishing Thoughts’ keeps families informed on current nutrition news, fun kid-friendly nutrition tips to encourage healthy food, nutrition, and exercise choices, nutrition articles, and interactive tools for parents. Our healthy nutrition blog is for parents, teachers, and everyone who is interested in kids' health and nutrition.

Often, we will have weekly themes about healthy habits.  The topic is discussed on Mondays, we follow up with a fun informative infographic that provides key facts about the topic, finishing up on Friday with some great materials and resources to use to bring that topic to home, school or wherever you are working with children to promote healthier habits! Enjoy.

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nutrition information blog for families

About Maggie

I am a nurse and a mother of two.  I am also the founder of Nourish Interactive. I am very concerned about the health and well being of our children.  I started the Nourishing Thoughts Blog so that I could help parents keep up on the latest trends in children’s nutrition and exercise. 

I know that much like reading and writing is the foundation for learning, nutrition is the foundation for healthy children.  But with so many new studies, products and trends constantly being reported it is hard to keep up.  I just want to make it a little easier for parents by doing some of the legwork and providing you with up to date information.

Jun 27, 2012

Gluten free recipes for children

Kids are notoriously picky eaters. Parents frequently complain about having to prepare three different dishes for any given meal: one for themselves and two (or more) for the kids. So if you have to add in another restriction on what counts as "edib...
Jun 25, 2012

School Nurse Association Meeting in San Francisco

We had a wonderful time at the National Association of School Nurse conference in San Francisco. We met hundreds of nurses and learned about their wellness program and challenges they face. The conference itself was very informative with t...
Jun 22, 2012

Bay Area Childhood Obesity Rates Report

A report just released by UCLA and California Center for Public Health released this report about the childhood obesity rates in the bay area. I live in the bay area so I was most interested in what the latest findings would be. I was ver...
Jun 20, 2012

National Summer Learning Day-learning does not have to stop during summer

Summer Learning Day - find out why this day is so important for kids. Don't let them fall behind academically just because it is summertime. Fun ideas and resources for parents.
Jun 18, 2012

Summer safety for kids in the swimming pool

Kids love to go to the swimming pool during the summer. Learn some key safety tips to keep your child safe while in a public swimming pool
Jun 15, 2012

Happy Healthy Fathers Day- make your own cards printable for kids

Wishing Dads a Happy Father Days. Easy to make cards for kids
Jun 13, 2012

The Importance of Healthy Snacks for Toddlers

Toddlers need a variety of nutritious foods throughout the day to stay healthy. Because their stomachs are small, between-meal snacks are an essential part of their diet. The challenge for parents is to find nourishing foods that are easy for the ac...
Jun 11, 2012

National summer meals program for kids resumes for a second year

Learn about the USDA summer meals program for kids. Share with your community and help end hunger in kids.
Jun 08, 2012

National dairy month - is your child getting enough calcium

June is dairy month. Learn more about the importance of dairy and how to get your kids onboard!
Jun 06, 2012

Get the kids active with gardening

National Gardening Exercise Day reminds us all what great exercise gardening can be for the whole family.
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