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Eating healthy during family fun time

Posted on Aug 15, 2008 by Maggie LaBarbera

Families are on the road for a short drive and an enjoyable "staycation" during the last couple of weeks before school starts. With gas being so expensive, many families are opting out of the usual big travel plans and driving shorter distances for family fun time. But when driving it can be challenging to keep your children on a healthy nutritious "road" while on the road!

Here is a great little article that gives some practical suggestions about traveling and eating healthy.

Plan ahead is the key.

  • Bring a cooler with your kids favorite healthy snacks so you don't have to stop at the oh-so-many-convenient stores that feature the latest high fats, high sugar foods.
  • Don't forget the disposal eating utensils so that you can easily serve up that delicious healthy dish you prepared.
  • Dry healthy snacks are good for eating while in the car (nuts, granola, look for high fiber mixes)
  • A planned stop at a rest stop or park for long drives is a great opportunity for the kids to enjoy a family picnic and stretch those legs.  Maybe even through around a football, frisbee or dodgeball.
The point really is to not let the outing dictate your food (cause you know what is mainly available on the road...and not so healthy) but to take a little time and plan the meal/snacks for the road so that fun, healthy and family vacation are combined into one happy memory.


1 Comment

What Are Good Picnic Foods
Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 @ 10:15 PM

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I now have the answers to my questions - at last! Thank you for a great site. Gratefully, Beth

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