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June is Dairy month- are your kids getting enough calcium and vitamin D?

Posted on Jun 23, 2010 by Maggie LaBarbera

June is National Dairy Month and a great reminder that we need to help kids develop strong bones and good eating habits to ensure their bones stay strong.  Dairy is so important because it is the main source of vitamin D and calcium for most kids.  Bones need calcium and calcium needs vitamin D in order to get absorbed into the body.  So these two nutrients go hand in hand to help kids form strong bones.

There are so many studies that indicate our children are not getting enough calcium and/or vitamin D.   There could be lots of reasons for this.  Maybe the child does not like milk and refuses to drink it or maybe they are lactose intolerant, or perhaps they are on a vegan diet.  Whatever the reason, it is important to help kids get these two nutrients.

One thing about dairy, it can be very high in fat.  So look for lowfat or even better, if you can wean them down to nonfat (skim) that is the best.

For lactose intolerant kids, there are now plenty of lactose free dairy products.  I know, because both my husband and son are lactose intolerant and so I only carry lactose free products in my home.  They are usually located in the same section as the dairy products but read the labels and make sure it says "lactose free".

For parents who have kids who don't like milk- perhaps some creative snacking ideas.

  • Make hot meals like oatmeal and soups with low-fat or fat-free milk instead of water
  • low fat yogurt goes great with some fresh fruit, you can even add a little fiber cereal to give it some crunch (and fiber)
  • Add a little lowfat cheese (1 ounce or 1 slice) to some scrambled eggs and wrap it in a whole grain tortilla
  • Kids love to dip!  Try some veggies and a low-fat yogurt-based dip,
  • Kids love sticks - try some skewers with low fat cheese cubes and fruit
  • Serve low-fat or fat-free milk with meals
  • Some may argue with chocolate milk, but sometimes it is the only way to get them to drink, but be careful of the calories and sugar
For our vegan kids:  look for foods that are high in vitamin D and foods that are high in calcium

There are many calcium fortified foods, orange juice, dark green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin D is a little harder to find in foods naturally.  Talk to your pediatrician about how to ensure that your child gets the necessary amounts of vitamin D in their diet. We are not experts on vegan diets but there are many out there and a dietitian consult can be very helpful.

Vegan Resources:


Vegan Mom

You may be interested in:

Family Tips – Calcium Rich Foods for Each Meal

'Building Strong Bones and Teeth' Healthy Contract - Printable Agreement

Building Strong Bones and Teeth - Printable Calcium Tracking Sheet

National study shows that many kids in the US don’t get enough vitamin D

New study shows 70% of kids are low in vitamin D

List of Food High in Calcium





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