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Tell congress you want healthy school lunches for kids

Posted on Dec 11, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

In my last blog, I shared with you some interesting information about the current school meal programs that are serving millions of kids across America.

Here is an opportunity to take a few minutes and write your congressman about the Child Nutrition Act which affects the nutrition requirements for kids' school meal.

Nourish Interactive has become partners with Slow Food USA and their movement to get congress to make a difference in the quality and nutrition of our children's school meals. Congress will be acting on this bill early next year so there is still time to write.

Slow Food USA has a School Lunch Fact Sheet you can read.

There are simple ways to get involved that only take a few minutes of your time:

You can sign this petition online (simple and quick)

You can write a letter to your congressman (writing resources to make it easy for you to write - with a short sample letter)

In fact, they have resources to help kids write letters too!

Congress needs to hear from each one of us that we want healthy foods for our kids! Each letter can make a difference. Don't forget, congress will be voting on this early next year!

More resources and information about this campaign.

Other resources for creating a healthy lunch for your child

Get the kids involved in easy and fun “back to school healthy lunch food” ideas

Put a smile on your child’s face at lunchtime with fun printable healthy lunch cards

Tips on handling the picky eater’s school lunch- healthy school lunch foods for kids

Simple solution to get kids eating their school lunch.

Back to school – help kids make healthy food choices in the school cafeteria

Get the kids involved in easy and fun “back to school healthy lunch food” ideas
Put a smile on your child’s face at lunchtime with fun printable healthy lunch cards
Tips on handling the picky eater’s school lunch- healthy school lunch foods for kids
Simple solution to get kids eating their school lunch.
Back to school – help kids make healthy food choices in the school cafeteria




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