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National study shows that many kids in the US don't get enough vitamin D

Posted on Nov 02, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

I have reported on vitamin D levels and kids in previous blogs. vitamin D is so important for kids bones and teeth and may also help to prevent cancer.

This is the first nationally representative study of vitamin D levels and children. Children's Hospital in Boston analyzed government data (2001-2006) for children aged 11 years and younger.

Here is what they found:

  • Approximately 6 million US children are not getting enough vitmain D. This is based on the American Academy of Pediatrics standards. This means about 1 out of every 5 kids!
  • However, many experts argue that this standard is too low. Using a higher standard, the study found that 24 million children do not get enough vitamin D! That is about 2/3 of all children.
Rickets is a disease that children can get if their body does not get enough vitamin D causing an inability to absorb calcium. The disease is characterized by soft, weak and deformed bones.

Here are some ways to increase your child's vitamin D (and calcium) intake. I say both because you really need foods rich in calcium and vitamin D to build strong bones and teeth and fight disease.

1. set some goals with your child. Make it fun to set a goal and then track it.

2. provide calcium and vitamin D rich foods at every meal 3. Be patient, it takes time to change eating habits.

More resources on vitamin D:

Foods high in vitamin D

Nutrition and building strong bones

Does my child really need milk?




marina kamen
Monday, Nov 02, 2009 @ 07:53 AM

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yes...eating habits take time to change.
Tuesday, Nov 03, 2009 @ 07:23 PM

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This is a very informative post. I think that as early as parents can, they should train their child on eating healthy food like veggies and fruits to prevent those health condition to happen.

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