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Working moms get our support in promoting healthy eating.

Posted on Oct 09, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

I"ve been seeing a lot of press about a British study recently published that compares the diet of kids from working mothers to those of stay at home moms.  According to the study, kids with working moms ate less fruits and vegetables and tended to watch more TV and be less active.

I was a working mom and so was my mom.  I know my first reaction was to feel defensive.  I tried my best to cook for my kids every day and feed them properly.  I was a nurse so I knew how important nutrition was.  But it is not always easy to balance everything.

But let's take a step back and not get wrapped up in blame or worse, guilt!  Working moms don't need more guilt laid on them.  There are plenty of reasons why kids don't eat enough healthy foods.  And the reason for a an alarming childhood obesity population is far more complex than to simply point at one factor.

We need to support each other in helping our kids learn healthy habits and how to make healthy choices.  Being a working mom, already means you are juggling two jobs!

We are here to support you as you help your family eat healthier and help your kids learn how to make healthier food choices.  This is the very reason I created this free website with games to teach kids and interactive tools and tips to help working moms.





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