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Don't let summer be an excuse for kids to miss breakfast- easy healthy breakfast tips

Posted on Jun 26, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

During summertime, it can be easy to fall out of some healthy habits - like making sure your child eats breakfast every morning. Perhaps with kids sleeping in or going to camp, it is throwing your morning routine out the window!

Here are some easy, time saving planning tips to help the family stay on their breakfast track:

  • some breakfast food can be prepared the night before - like boiled eggs or oatmeal
  • set your kids alarm clock to get up 15 minutes earlier to allow time for breakfast
  • have the kids backpacks and what clothes they'll where laid out the night before
  • cut up fruit the night before - the kids can eat them whole or in a quick smoothie
  • make sure you make time for breakfast also, remember kids model your behavior and learn from your example
  • breakfast food doesn't have to be "traditional" leftovers can make a good breakfast
  • shoot for at least 3 food groups
  • have your children help plan the breakfast meals for the week
Resources: Healthy Breakfast Pointers for Kids

Kids fun Printable Eat Breakfast Goals

Kid friendly Free Printable Breakfast Tracking Sheet





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