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Keep Healthy Eating for Kids and Family a Priority Even in Bad Economy

Posted on May 18, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

A study released by the American Heart Association in March 2009, indicates that Americans are cutting back on healthy habits during this difficult economic times. The study focuses on adults, but we know that many adults are also parents!

Here is some stats from the study:

  • 25 percent of those with gym memberships have cancelled in the previous six months
  • 42 percent plan to make changes in the next six months that may impact their health, such as buying fewer fruits and vegetables.
Parents are the most important role model for children. There are many ways to cut back and still maintain healthy habits.

Keep exercising and being active an important part of a child (and family's) routine with fun and FREE activities.

  • Being active does not require a gym or paid after-school program. Kids can go to the park, ride their bikes, do family walks, play tennis, roller skate and even dance!
  • This is a great time to work together as a family and find creative ways to be active that does not cost money.
  • Walking is one of the best daily exercises you can do with your child and it is FREE! It is also gives you a chance to talk and share ideas. You will also be promoting an easy lifelong healthy habit.
Keep fruits and vegetables part of a kids' (and family's) diet with these smart shopping tips:
  • Shop for seasonal fruits, they are usually the best bargains.
  • For off season fruits and vegetables, look at the freezer or canned section. These may be a better bargain in off season.
  • Buy in bulk when it makes sense and will be eaten throughout the week.
  • Look at the bargains, coupons, discounts for the week. Most grocery stores have weekly sales.
Send a positive message about the importance of healthy eating and daily exercise. Challenging times are wonderful learning moments for kids. This is an opportunity to teach them that even in difficult financial times, the one area you do not cut out is taking care of your body, eating healthy and being active. Have fun finding creative recipes and free activities that keep costs down but healthy habits at the forefront.

More tips on bargain shopping by food groups.

Resources: List of fun activities



1 Comment

Cooking Smart For A Healthy Heart
Tuesday, Jun 16, 2009 @ 12:14 PM

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Great site. This has really helped me today, particularly the post - Healthy Parenting Tips- Role Model for Kids Importance of Eating Healthy Foods, Daily Exercise- Study Adults in Bad Economy Cutting Back on Eating Healthy and Fitness | Nourishing Thoughts, Promoting Healthy Nutrition For Children- Family Nutrition Blog. I needed help and information about cooking smart for a healthy heart and I found it here on Tuesday. Many thanks, Jane

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