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Nourish Interactive Gives Parents and Educators Thier Own Healthy Avatars

Posted on Aug 20, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

We know that adults like to have a little fun too when they are brushing up on healthy habits and nutrition for their family.

We have created avatars for our adult section that are seen when you comment on pages.  Which by the way, we encourage.  Please feel free to comment on any page to share feedback or new ideas about how you are using the information.

If you have a gravatar account (another website that people use to create universal avatars) we will show that avatar.  But if you don't have a gravatar, please pick one of our cute produce friends to represent you as you comment on blogs, tools, articles and printables.

When you log in as a member, go to My Page, which is available in the main navigation bar on the left side of the page (the very top) or you will also see a quick link on the right upper side of page.

Once you are in your "My Page" you will see the avatar (or your gravatar if you have one).

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

We are all kids at heart.  Enjoy our produce friends on the table and on our website.






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