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Vegetarian and Vegan Parenting Tips and Resources

Posted on Aug 13, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

The second week in September is vegetarian awareness week.  

We have a wonderful dietitian who has created a set of articles to help parents ensure their vegetarian or vegan child eats healthy with adequate amounts of healthy protein sources.

We want to share those resources with you.  If you have other related topics that you would like us to cover, please let us know.  Our dietitians and nurses want to write about the topics that are most important to you.

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

A healthy lifestyle comes in many variations.  The important key is to eat and enjoy food as a family and avoid processed foods as much as possible.

Vegetarian Family articles

How to Keep Your Vegan or Vegetarian Child Healthy

A healthy vegetarian or vegan child ensures that children are getting all the nutrients they need to grow strong and fight disease. Learn the key nutrients and foods that parents must include in a vegetarian or vegan child's meal plan.

Teacher’s Guide to Vegetarianism

Dietitian tips for teachers that are working with children who are vegetarians or vegans. Understanding the vegetarian child's diet.

Foods High In Calcium For The Vegetarian or Vegan Child

Find the healthy foods high in calcium for the vegetarian and vegan child that ensure healthy bone growth and teeth.

Understanding The Vegetarian Diet - Types of Vegetarians

Guide to understanding the different types of vegetarians. Our dietitian breaks down the types of vegetarian diets and what is included or excluded from their meal plans.

Foods High in Iron for the Vegetarian or Vegan Child

Iron is an important part of any child's diet. This is a nutrient that vegetarian and vegan children must take special care to ensure they get enough in their meals to prevent sickness. Tips on ensuring this nutrient is in your vegetarian or vegan child's meal plan.

Foods High in Vitamin B12 for the Vegetarian or Vegan Child

Learn the importance of vitamin B in your child's vegetarian or vegan diet and how to ensure that your child's meal plan is high in this important nutrient.

Foods High in Zinc for the Vegetarian or Vegan Child

Learn the importance of zinc in your child's vegetarian or vegan diet and how to ensure that your child's meal plan is high in this important nutrient.

List Of Legumes - Healthy Protein

Learn about the healthy protein found in legumes. List of the foods that are part of legumes.

List of Seeds And Nuts From the Protein Group

Looking to increase your variety of protein. Seeds and nuts are a great source of protein and you may be surprised with the number of choices you have. Enjoy this comprehensive list of Seeds And Nust from the protein group






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