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Family Nutrition

  1. Don’t nag, its okay if they refuse new foods initially, introduce the food again in a few weeks.
  2. Serve water, low-fat milk or 100% fruit juice more often than sugar-sweetened sodas and fruit-flavored drinks
  3. Set a regular time for family meals
  4. Limit the amount of added sugar in your child’s diet.
  5. Look for whole grain cereals and breads with at least 4 gram of fiber.
  6. Demonstrate how fun it is to try new food. Trying new foods will help your child become a good eater.
  7. Try to arrange the fruit bowl so you have many different colors showing- make it a game.
  8. Choose and prepare foods with less salt. Most adults and children consume more sodium (salt) than their body needs.
  9. Eat together as a family for at least one meal a day. Change it up and try a picnic for dinner.
  10. Food labels are a great way to learn how some foods are better for you than others.
  11. Let the kids help put the fruit or vegetable into the grocery cart.
  12. Most kids eat too much salt. Keep the salt shaker off the table.
  13. Make sure your child eats breakfast. Breakfast provides children with the energy they need to listen and learn in school.
  14. Take an outing to a local farmers market to teach kids about where their food comes from. See what fruits and vegetables are in season.
  15. Actually, turn off the TV at mealtime so you can talk and share the events of the day.
  16. Try new recipes, often kids will try vegetables when mixed with other foods or special sauces
  17. Involve your child in cooking and preparing meals.
  18. Offer fresh fruit for dessert.
  19. Have a contest on which plate is the most colorful (fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of color!)
  20. Don’t get upset if they don’t like the food or meal, don’t take it personally.
  21. Introduce new foods, vegetables and fruits at mealtime.
  22. Encourage your child to put a small quantity of vegetables on their plate, even if they won’t eat it.
  23. Ask them “What is this banana telling us?” “Is it ready to eat yet?” “Should we pick that bunch?”
  24. As they are putting away the fruits and vegetables, guess where they came from.




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