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April Family Tips

  1. It's April Fools Day. You can play a fun trick on your kids; serve dessert for dinner and dinner for dessert.
  2. Have your child hum the entire alphabet song while brushing to get clean teeth.
  3. Celebrate your family’s healthy habits. Even little ones add up.
  4. Avoid foods that are breaded and deep-fried. They are high in fat and calories.
  5. If your 4 year old gets 4 tablespoons of protein, he has met his daily protein needs.
  6. Take the kids to your local high school this weekend and run relay races around the track.
  7. Plan a meal around veggies, whole grains and beans instead of meat for one day.
  8. Pick a new fruit to try this week.
  9. All movement counts; Teach the kids to take the stairs instead of an elevator today.
  10. Pump up your metabolism with activities like jumping, dancing and jogging.
  11. Washing hands, cooking foods to proper temperatures, and storing food are key to preventing food borne illness.
  12. Doctors recommend a full 7 or 8 hours a night. Kids need more sleep because they are growing.
  13. Teach your kids to set down the remote and get up to change the channel.
  14. Demonstrate how fun it is to try new food. Trying new foods will help your child become a good eater.
  15. You are your child’s best advertisement. Have fun with nutrition!
  16. When planning your dinner meal, try to include something from all the food groups.
  17. Rinse fruits and vegetables under running tap water, including those with skins and rinds that are not eaten. Dry with a paper towel.
  18. Celebrate National Turn Off Your TV week! Have the family make a list of other activities they can do instead of watching TV.
  19. Set out a bowl of veggies with a low fat dip for healthy kid snacking.
  20. There are many studies that have proven the importance of breakfast and how well your child does in school.
  21. Limiting your child's screen time to two hours a day includes computer, video games and iPods.
  22. It's Earth Day. Have the kids look up all the items that can be recycled.
  23. If your child can’t drink non-fat or 1% milk, try soymilk with calcium.
  24. Keep the total calories down by choosing baked chips instead of regular potato chips.
  25. To make pancakes even healthier, try the whole-wheat pancakes.
  26. If your child plays sports like volleyball, basketball or soccer, it is important to drink water 20 minutes prior to your practice or game.
  27. Today is YMCA Healthy Kids. Take the kids to the nearby YMCA for some fun activities. Be an active family!
  28. Enriched grain and dark green, leafy vegetables are high in iron.
  29. Walking is the most popular exercise for adults. Teach your kids to walk for a healthy, daily activity.
  30. Kids are more likely to eat fruit that is already cut up. Have a plate ready on the table for snack time.




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