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The colors of the rainbow found in healthy foods.

Posted on Oct 24, 2008 by Maggie LaBarbera

You will often hear the fruits and vegetables promoted for all the color they offer. It is one of the "fun" features of fruits and vegetables, the fact that they do come in so many colors. Just like kids use crayons to make fun pictures, fruits and vegetables can be used to make fun meal plates.

And as a bonus, usually the more color, the more nutrients!!

But, I was thinking, wouldn't it be nice to have a quick reference of those colors? So if you are going to have your child liven up that meal plate and you need the color blue or red etc, you could quickly know what food item to get.

Well here you have it: here is a quick reference:

Reds: tomato, watermelon, pink grapefruit, raspberry, guava, red bell peppers

Orange: canteloupe, oranges, winter squash, sweet potato, carrots, mango, papaya, pumpkins

Yellow: banana, pineapple, corn, yellow bell pepper, yellow squash

Green: green grapes, zucchini, brussel sprouts, avocado, asparagus, broccoli, romaine lettuce, kale, spinach, green peas

Blue/Purple: beets, radishes, purple grapes, plums, blueberry, blackberry, eggplant

Please feel free to add your favorites to this list! Now, get to coloring!

source: Eat this, Not that by David Zinczenko, pg 12- 18




Monday, Oct 27, 2008 @ 03:05 PM

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Let's not forget about all those colorful spuds! Red, White, Bule, Purple, Yellow, Brown--it's fitting that one of the most nutritious foods in the produce section comes in so many great colors.
Daniel Craig
Thursday, Nov 06, 2008 @ 01:59 AM

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Hello, I was looking around for a while searching for rainbow series and I happened upon this site and your post regarding ors of the rainbow found in healthy foods. | Nourishing Thoughts, Promoting Healthy Nutrition For Children- Family Nutrition Blog, I will definitely this to my rainbow series bookmarks!

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