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olympics gold medal winner inspires kids while food manufacturers send unhealthy message

Posted on Aug 03, 2012 by Maggie LaBarbera

I have really been enjoying the Olympics and glued to the TV at night.   gabby douglas wins gold

So exciting watching the women's gymnastic team.  We just wanted to send a big CONGRATULATIONS to the US Female gymnastic team and Gabby Douglas from

We are so proud of her and so inspired.  We give her 3 loud cheers and as we Peruvians do it  "Heep Rah, Heep Rah, Heep Rah!"  Go Gabby!!!

I think she is a great example for children and promoting being active.

I have also really enjoyed the inspirational messages from the athletes and their stories of dedication and commitment to their craft.  

When I think of our wonderful great athletes, I don't see them eating junk food and drinking soda, do you?  It is disappointing to see all the high sugar and high fat food manufacturers and fast food advertisers that are sponsoring the event.  

Yeah, yeah, I know, someone has to pay for it.  But it really speaks to our food and health values that the biggest manufacturers aren't fresh fruits and vegetables.  

Just think of the message that would send along with these gifted athletes.






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