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Kids Healthy Cards for Mothers Day promote veggies and fruits

Posted on May 04, 2011 by Maggie LaBarbera

Holidays are great.  They offer a chance to combine holiday fun with healthy messages.  And kids love that.  We have found some creative ways to incorporate a little healthy message into some very cute Mother's Day cards

This Mother's Day help kids do something personal and special for their mother by making their own Mothers day cards and Gift of time certificates.

Kids will enjoy making their own cards and personalizing it with a special drawing, a touching letter or even a few thoughtful words.

How many moms out there have a drawer or a box or some special place where all the cards made by their children are stored.  I proudly raise my hands. The ones where they drew pictures and wrote (even with the misspelled words!) they wrote a special note to me are my prized possessions.  And now with them grown, I still like to go into my closet and pull down my duffle bag that is filled with their home-made cards.  And they fill me with so much joy even twenty years later!


Personalized Drawing - Mother’s Day Card


Healthy Fruit Fun - Mother’s Day Card

best mom mothers day printable

Printable Mother’s Day Gift Certificates Coloring Sheets

Gift of Time Certificates with Colored Images

Other kids nutrition related activities:

Make a Healthy Tips Calendar

Make a “Nutrition Fun” Bookmark

Lunch Box Notes for Kids – Healthy Messages Promoting Healthy Choices and Exercise





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