As we continue our series on weight loss, lets review the type of weight loss programs.
There are two different types of weight-loss programs—clinical and nonclinical. Knowing what a good program will offer and what to look for may help you choose a weight-loss program that will work for you.
The Nonclinical Weight Loss Program
A nonclinical weight loss program may be commercially operated, such as a privately owned weight-loss chain. You can follow a nonclinical program on your own by using a counselor, book, website, or weight-loss product. You can also join others in a support group, worksite program, or community-based program. Nonclinical weight-loss programs may require you to use the program’s foods or supplements.
A safe and effective program will offer:
A clinical program provides services in a health care setting, such as a hospital or clinic. One or more licensed health professionals, such as medical doctors, nurses, registered dietitians, and psychologists will work with you to help you lose weight. A clinical program may or may not be commercially owned.
Clinical programs may offer services such as nutrition education, physical activity, and behavior change therapy. Some programs offer prescription weight-loss drugs or gastrointestinal surgery.
What a safe and effective program will offer: