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A healthy bite- appetizers and snacks during the holiday season

Posted on Dec 03, 2010 by Maggie LaBarbera

Adding fiber to holiday treats is a great way to add a healthy blast to your recipes. Fiber has a variety of health benefits for the whole family. It keeps your digestive tract working good and it is good for your heart! It also makes you feel full and less likely to overeat.

Here are some tips on how to add fiber to your seasonal snacks and appetizers

✰ You can substitute white flour for 100% whole wheat baking flour. If you think your kids might not like it, then start with using half white flour and half whole wheat flour. Your kids won’t even notice and you have instantly made it more healthy!

✰ Crackers and cheese are a tasty snacks. Replace white crackers with whole wheat, multi-grain, or sprouted wheat and you have added a ton of healthy fiber to the snack. (Replace the cheese for low fat and double the healthiness!)

✰ Making cupcakes from a boxed recipe (me too!) just pour a cup of bran or oatmeal or some ground flax in the mix and you have added fiber easily. It's filled with vitamins, minerals and fiber. You may need to experiment with the amount to add.

✰ Fruits and veggies are great sources of fiber. Add sliced pear to salads, offer pomegranates as after-school snacks, and bring in a tray of grapes and sliced persimmons to a class party.

✰ Bring in bean dip (check the label to make sure it is low in fat) and salsa with some 100% whole grain chips or baked chips. Beans are a great source of fiber!

Healthy Appetizers for Holiday Parties

Holiday celebrations are often centered around high fat appetizers. We often don’t have time for trying to find alternatives so we grab the nearest party tray from the grocery store or make a platter of high calorie unhealthy treats. Who has time to try to juggle holiday shopping and preparations with thinking of healthier alternatives?

Maybe your thinking that kids won’t eat anything else or the family or guests will be disappointed.. We are here to help.

Here is a list of some healthy snacks and appetizers tips and ideas that are sure to be party favorites and be healthier!

✰It sounds simple, but include at least one healthy food item in your appetizer like fruits and vegetables. Try a veggie platter with a low fat dip!

✰ For crackers, breads and pastas choose 100% whole grains.

✰ Cut the fat in half! Switch from whole fat to lower fat versions for your creams, mayonnaise, cheeses, meats and milk products. Or try using yogurts, soy, rice milk or low fat coconut milk.

✰Change dips from cream, fat or mayonnaise to dips made from low fat yogurt, beans or hummus.

✰Have the kids help find red and green fruits and vegetables that you can shape into a holiday scene or mosaic platter!

✰Make healthy sandwiches with lean turkey and low fat cheese and use cookie cutters to make holiday shapes.

✰ Try using fruit butters to jazz up your crackers or whole wheat bread. Natural fruit butters are lower in calories (as low as 20 calories for 1 tablespoon) but tasty and sweet.

✰Recipes that call for deep frying, try baking it instead. You will lower the amount of fat and still have all the flavor.

We know that holiday parties and snacks are a normal part of the holiday season. We don’t say “Don’t eat that” because we know that is not realistic or practical. Instead, we can allow for a 'once in while treat' but we can also make the treats healthier for school or family parties. If you try some of our suggestions, kids will enjoy the holiday treats that are festive, delicious and healthier. The taste for healthy foods is a habit that children are learning with each food experience.

Do you have favorite appetizers, snacks or party foods for the holiday that use healthy ingredients?  We'd love to hear your ideas - share comments and links to any recipes you may want to share with our readers!

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