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Kids Need Their Breakfast

Posted on Aug 11, 2008 by Maggie LaBarbera

According to a study done at Ulm Unversity, skipping breakfast not only affects children's ability to stay alert during school but actually may affect boys and girls differently.

Here is what the study found after looking at 104 boarding schools students aged 13 to 20:

  • all children reported feeling more alert during testing
  • boys reported being in a better mood
  • Boys scored better on visuospatial memory
Well the key message is that breakfast is important. Despite the craziness of the morning and everyone getting ready for school and work, we need to make time for breakfast. It will help kids be more alert and help with their memory. Many schools have breakfast programs if you don't have to time to make it, but you gotta get to school early enough so that they have time to eat their breakfast.

So either way, it means getting up a half an hour earlier so Breakfast is a "must" for the day.

For some helpful breakfast tips, read our Article: Tips for Kids Healthy Breakfasts written by a mother and dietitian.





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