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Start the school day off with a healthy breakfast

Posted on Aug 20, 2010 by Maggie LaBarbera

Gearing up for a healthy new school year! Some children have just started school and others will be going back to school very soon. The end of summer is a great time to start getting on track for the new routines. Our new article 3 Healthy Steps for Back to School starting the year to make the transition back to school. The first step is starting the day off with a balanced breakfast.

Breakfast food tips for back to school: Studies have shown that children who eat a healthy breakfast are able to concentrate and perform better in school.

Eating a healthy breakfast from the food groups gives children the fuel they need for a productive day at school.

It can be a challenge in the 'morning rush' to find time for a healthy breakfast, but skipping breakfast or eating a high sugar breakfast food will often make your child feel tired, restless or irritable by mid-morning. By eating a balanced breakfast, your child will have energy throughout the morning and help him/her concentrate better in class.

Parents and older siblings can act as healthy role models by eating breakfast with them. If time is a restraint, switch some of the morning chores to the night before to ensure there is enough time to eat breakfast or prepare breakfast the night before.

Here are some healthy breakfast food ideas for your child:

✰Make a parfait. Layer low fat yogurt with berries and top with granola.

✰Have a special breakfast once a week featuring smoothies, pancakes, waffles, or omelets.

✰For smoothies, blend low fat milk with frozen berries and a banana (or any fruit) and blend for 30 seconds.

✰ A Breakfast sandwich or burrito can be a fun and healthy breakfast food

✰Serve unusual breakfast foods once in a while like last night’s leftovers.

✰Opt for a whole fruit instead of fruit juice (but always choose 100% fruit juice when splurging)

Leave a comment to share your favorite breakfast tips below!

Kids have a Fun Nutrition Story for the month- Chef Solus helps the Explorers learn about eating healthy and being physically active to start the new school year off right!

Printable breakfast tracker

Printable tips for back to school

3 Simple tips for a healthy new school year

Healthy tip sheet for back to school

Backpack Safety Tips

Traveling to and from School- Safety Tips





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