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Are your kids getting enough activity?

Posted on Jul 18, 2008 by Maggie LaBarbera

According to the latest study published by the National Institutes of Health, children between the ages of 9 and 15 were not getting the recommended amount of daily activity. According to the the new MyPyramid guidelines, children need at least one hour of activity every day. According to this study, one of the largest and most comprehensive studies done, the activity level dropped sharply for children in this age range.

  • At age 9, children averaged roughly 3 hours of moderate to vigorous activity during the week
    • 49 minutes per weekday
    • 35 minutes per weekend
The real concern is the long term effects of low activities level. Children are forming habits that will be harder and harder to break as they get older. This can lead to early weight problems and associated obesity diseases like diabetes and heart disease... at a younger age.

How can we instill the value of exercise in our children at a young age. That is the question. Trying to find an activity or sport that your child really enjoys and can continue into adult is the challenge. Reinforcing the message that daily exercise is so important and needs to be part of a daily routine.

I know for me, it was different with each child. And not easy because I was a working mom. Try different activities to give them a chance to see what they may enjoy. I say activities because not all children like or want to do sports. Whenever possible, family outings can be a great way to promote activity, build family memories and reinforce the importance of daily activities.

To read more about how to get your child more active, click to visit our newsletter for fun activities and exercise tips for kids.



1 Comment

Thursday, Jul 31, 2008 @ 09:31 AM

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I couldn't understand some parts of this article r kids getting enough activity? | Nourishing Thoughts, Promoting Healthy Nutrition For Children- Family Nutrition Blog, but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.

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