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Teach kids the joy and healthiness of a delicious bowl of soup

Posted on Jan 15, 2010 by Maggie LaBarbera

January is National Soup Month!

It's winter, it's cold and it's time for some soup.  Soup is a great meal or complement to a meal.

My five top reasons I think soup is great for the family.

  1. Its warmth is soothing to the tummy on cold days and nights.
  2. There are so many different ways to make soup that your kids won't get bored.
  3. It is usually pretty economical, so great for the budget.
  4. You can put all the ingredients in a crockpot and let it slow cook all day while you do something else.
  5. It tastes great!
How to keep soups healthy:
  • Add lots of vegetables for a tasty and healthy soup.
  • Make soup based in water - it's lower in calories
  • If your soup is cream based, then use low fat cream or milk for a lower fat soup
  • Watch the salt, you can always add a bit more salt if needed
  • Combine a cup of soup with a tasty sandwich or salad
Healthy Soup Recipes:

Veggie Chowder- Soup Recipe A tasty soup that's easy to make from Meatless Monday- corn based with many vegetables make this a healthy soup!

Broccoli Soup Recipe Easy and healthy recipe from some children may enjoy getting their servings of vegetables from soups, plus cooking together is fun way to interest kids in vegetables and eating healthy!

Chicken Chile Tortilla Soup Recipe from Laura's Best Recipes- if you have some prep time and time try this new recipe for a hot and different winter soup!

Share your comments with favorite soup recipes and what kinds of soups your children most enjoy!



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