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TV snacking can be contributing to childhood obesity- obesity prevention tips

Posted on Mar 02, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

A new study conducted by Dr. Diane Jackson from the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health showed that children, ages 2-6 who spend more time in front of the TV tend to be heavier. The study followed 89 children between the ages of 2-6 years old found:

  • kids just spending one hour in front of the TV longer tended to have 2 pounds more body fat
But the reason is not what you might think. It was not because of being inactive. The researchers believe the reason is because these kids were either:
  • snacking on unhealthy foods (high fat, high sugar foods) while watching TV
  • seemed to be more stimulated to eat while watching TV
This is something parents need to pay attention to. Are your kids snacking in front of the TV? Mindless eating, TV eating or TV stimulated eating, doesn't matter what fancy term we give it. The message is still the same.Remembering these simple TV rules could make a difference in the amount of calories your child is consuming.
  • No TV during mealtimes
  • No snacking in front of the TV
Hard to break the habit. Well how about some baby steps then:
  • Snacking is limited in front of the TV.
  • No bags, boxes or huge bowls. Just one serving is allowed in front of the TV
  • Healthy snacks only if snacking in front of the TV

Reducing Kids TV Time Tips from 'Nourish Healthy Kids' our newsletter with tips and articles for family wellness.

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1 Comment

Kirsten Hill
Friday, Mar 20, 2009 @ 12:16 PM

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This is a great article. It is so difficult to get children to make healthy choices because they often don't taste as good as the bad stuff. I just wanted moms out there to be aware of a new product coming out in April 2009 called All Sport Natural Zero. This beverage is sweetened with stevia instead of sugar, which means it is all NATURAL and has NO CALORIES!! It comes in a variety of kid-friendly flavors and contains essential vitamins. All Sport Natural Zero is low in sodium and high in potassium and promises to be a great hydrating alternative to sugary drinks, while still appealing to kids tastes.

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