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Story time gives time for talking nutrition - infographic

Posted on Aug 26, 2015 by Maggie LaBarbera

There are so many benefits to teaching children through storytelling.  We use our online cartoons to tell a little story to children.  We also have our Solusville, campfire story time section filled with little stories.

Stories have been used for centuries to pass on wisdom.  Children have such great imagination that they will happily go on a journey into the imagination.  

You can use story time as a great way to introduce healthy eating, healthy habits and healthy lifestyle choices to children.   Kids' bedtime is a good time for story time because children are relaxed and a captive audience to hear the story,

Although bedtime is certainly not the only opportunity for stories.  You can have a short story at meal time, after meal time, during travel time in the car.  Really anytime is a good time for a simple message or lesson about healthy living embedding it into a favorite story.

If you are worried that you can't think up a creative story, don't be.  Younger children are usually interested as long as you are excited to share the story.  Some of the best stories are real life stories.  Kids love hearing about your childhood and some of the memories you have will certainly involve food.  

So whether they watch a little cartoon video about healthy choices or they read a story online or you read a book that has a healthy nutrition message or share your own story, stories are a wonderful way to introduce healthy messages.  And they can be the jumping point to ongoing conversation about eating foods from the five food groups, choosing healthy foods every day and why the body needs healthy foods to feel great.

Wednesday Nourishing Graphics:  

We are happy to share this infographic that further tells the story about the nourishing value of teaching through storytelling.







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