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Tips on setting family new year resolution goals

Posted on Jan 02, 2015 by Maggie LaBarbera

Starting your New Years with setting healthy goals. We want to help you get started.  We have picked are best tips to share with you for a successful start to 2015!

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

Set your child up for success by setting realistic goals and celebrating successes.

Here are some great articles to help you get started and keep the whole family motivated!

Parenting articles that are to the point with specific steps to help your family set New Year Resolution Goals

To Your Health: Planning Healthy Goals for the Entire Family

Planning Healthy Family Goals Guide- kid friendly tips and easy tools for parents to plan goals to help kids eat more healthy foods and increase daily physical activity. Easy tips for planning healthy food goals and being more active together! 

Setting Healthy Goals for the Entire Family

If you’ve been thinking about healthy goals and resolutions, this is a great time to think about setting healthy goals for the entire family. Setting family goals means helping your child set healthy goals too. Nutrition tips, tools and information for setting healthy nutrition and physical activity goals for the family. 

Changing Children's Health Habits - Setting Positive Expectations

We often enter a change with enthusiasm and great commitment. And kids are the same. They get easily excited about starting new projects. But we all know that after the first week, the initial gusto to change habits can die down a bit. Suggestions to help children understand the commitment to achieving their health goals.

Helping Your Family Achieve Their Health Goals

Parenting tip article to help you keep your family on track. A few simple steps can make the difference in helping your child and family succeed in their health and nutrition goals.

Keeping Kids Motivated With Healthy Family Goals

Motivating Kids To Have Healthy Family Goals Guide- kid friendly tips and easy tools for parents to help kids stay motivated in their goals to eat more healthy foods and increase daily physical activity. Easy tips for keeping children interested in healthy food goals and being more active together! 

Turn Hopeful Resolutions into Healthy Habits

Many healthy New Year's Resolutions start out strong, but fall by the wayside by February. If you or your family is having trouble keeping your new healthy habits, this article offers 5 tips for turning your resolutions into lifelong habits!






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