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Childhood Obesity Remains Number One Conern For Parents

Posted on Aug 22, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital has done this adult survey for the last 7 years.  This survey was conducted with parents and non-parents.

For the last seven years, parents have listed childhood obesity as their number ONE concern.Childhood obesity remains the leading health concern for children in their communities and for kids across the country.

The key to obesity is prevention.  But that is too late for millions of children who are already obese.  But that does not mean it is too late.  The goal is the same: teach children to eat healthy and become more active.  With their high metabolism and growth, they will lose the weight.

But this is not a child goal, this is a family goal.  The family has to work together and childhood obesity is reversible.

More childhood obesity tips for parents


Top ranking concerns across the US

1. Childhood obesity – 55%
2. Bullying – 52%
3. Substance abuse – 49%
4. Smoking – 47%
5. Violence at school – 44%
6. Child abuse – 42%
7. Alcohol abuse – 41%
8. Internet safety – 40%
9. Gun-related injuries – 39%
10. Teen pregnancy – 37%

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

It's never too late to make a difference. It's only too late if you never try.

Here is a great little video that sums up the survey results and what it means about our views, concerns and most importantly, our children.





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