Family Nutrition Blog
Our blog ‘Nourishing Thoughts’ keeps families informed on current nutrition news, fun kid-friendly nutrition tips to encourage healthy food, nutrition, and exercise choices, nutrition articles, and interactive tools for parents. Our healthy nutrition blog is for parents, teachers, and everyone who is interested in kids' health and nutrition.
Often, we will have weekly themes about healthy habits. The topic is discussed on Mondays, we follow up with a fun informative infographic that provides key facts about the topic, finishing up on Friday with some great materials and resources to use to bring that topic to home, school or wherever you are working with children to promote healthier habits! Enjoy.
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About Maggie
I am a nurse and a mother of two. I am also the founder of Nourish Interactive. I am very concerned about the health and well being of our children. I started the Nourishing Thoughts Blog so that I could help parents keep up on the latest trends in children’s nutrition and exercise.
I know that much like reading and writing is the foundation for learning, nutrition is the foundation for healthy children. But with so many new studies, products and trends constantly being reported it is hard to keep up. I just want to make it a little easier for parents by doing some of the legwork and providing you with up to date information.
According to a School Nutrition Dietary Assessment, school lunch programs are still not up to par when it comes to nutrition. The Assessment evaluated 130 school districts across the United States which included 2,314 students in first through twelft...
Kids are growing fast and they often need a snack in between meals. But what are some healthy snacks you can give kids that are full of nutrition and taste great? Here is a list of 25 healthy snacks ideas you can offer your child from the American Die...
If you can't go 100% organic here are some simple guidelines:
Buy organic as often as you can. Many grocers now offer store brands with organic choices which are usually less expensive.
Look for the USDA seal on foods to ensure they are organic.
Taking care of yourself means you are taking care of your family. Your kids need you healthy.With your doctor's help, learn your blood pressure, cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides counts. Figure your BMI and waist size. Be proactive with your heal...
We know that small doses of pesticides can damage our health, and especially the health of children whose organs are growing and still forming. According to the Environmental Working Group and, here is a list of the fruits and vegetables ...
First Lady Michelle Obama shouted, "Let's hear it for vegetables" and "Let's hear it for fruits!"On March 20, First Lady Obama began the first full-fledged organic garden right on the grounds of the White House. With the help of about 2 dozen fifth gra...
Every Monday, place your family's nutrition as number one on your to-do list. Prioritize your week by scheduling family time for fun activities/exercise each day. Plan ahead for healthy meals based on vegetables and whole grains. Vow to eat an extra pi...
It's is good to see the government is finally coming in line with their own policies. The government launched the new food guidelines in 2005 but their federally funded program did not support purchasing foods from the five food groups.WIC is a federal...
study conducted by Ohio State University found that kids are eating about 2 cups total of fruits, vegetables and juice. Maybe your thinking, wow, I didn't think they were eating that much! But let's look a little closer at the facts:
French fries ...
I was in the grocery store with my mom and she was complaining how expensive the vegetables were. I know we are all feeling the pinch with today's economy so I thought about some more ways to eat healthy on a budget.We think eating healthy costs more a...