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Portion and Serving Sizes Tips


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Portion sizes and serving sizes can be much larger than you really think.  Most restaurant portions are big enough for two people.  Serving size is the amount of one serving in a container or package of food.  But what is often missed is that when you eat the whole package you get several servings!  And that can really add up calories quickly.

Help children learn proper serving sizes and portions with our helpful quick tips!  You may be surprised how making a few simple changes can reduce portion sizes and overall calorie consumption.
Here is a list of our tips that
  • proper portion sizes for children
  • ideas on how to reduce portion sizes during meal time
  • provide suggestions on how to use every day items to estimate portion sizes

List of Tips For Families With Kids On How To Control Portion Sizes and Serving Sizes During Meal and Snack Time

  1. If your 4 year old gets 4 tablespoons of protein, he has met his daily protein needs.
  2. Try not to forbid your child's favorite food. Teach children some foods are only "once in a while" foods.
  3. Serve your child smaller portion sizes at mealtime. They can always ask for more.
  4. Don’t make your child clean their plate. Kids, especially under five, have a good sense of their hunger.
  5. For younger kids, use smaller bowls and plates to help with portion control.
  6. Giving your child sweets when they feel sad or as a special treat can teach your child to eat when he or she is not hungry.
  7. Teach your kids portion sizes by using their hand.
  8. Forcing your child to finish their plate may cause your child to ignore body signals of fullness and overeat.
  9. Researchers believe children burn about half as many calories in the winter as they do in the summer.
  10. Use snack time to add another half serving of fruit or vegetables.
  11. Teach your children about healthy foods from all the different food groups.
  12. At a party or holiday event, indulge in your one favorite food. Take small portions of everything else.
  13. Try healthy spray butter for your dinner rolls and veggies. They taste great and add 0 calories.
  14. The USDA recommends that K to 5th graders need around 645 calories for lunch per day.
  15. When serving pie, slice thinner pieces and offer with fresh fruit on the side.
  16. Value meals that serve large portions with soda, can be 600 calories.
  17. It is important to look at the serving size on the nutrition label.


1 Comment

Wednesday, Jan 08, 2014 @ 04:43 AM

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Portion sizes are so useful to know at any age! I am convinced that bringing healthy lifestyle to a habit is one of the most important things a parent should do for a kid:)))

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