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Healthy Habits

Feb 06, 2015

Red Dress Day Reminds Us To FIght Heart Disease In Women

February 6 was national Wear Red Day. I know I focus on children's health but today I want to focus on moms. A healthy mom is poised to help their child be healthy. Red is the color of our heart. It is associated with power and confi...
Jan 30, 2015

How to include kids in the kitchen

There is so much research about the benefits of cooking with children. I don't know how many of you do bring your children into the kitchen to help but it is really worth the effort. The younger they start, the easier it will be. Just like a...
Jan 28, 2015

Summer learning - don't let your kids experience fall behind

It is only January and most of us are not thinking about summertime. Depending on where you live, there could be a ton of snow surrounding your home (not me, I live in California!) and summer is the furthest thought from your mind. But kid...
Jan 26, 2015

Are kids overloading on devices?

It is now common to see kids of all ages looking down onto their tablet, ipad, or smart phone. With 1000s and 1000s and apps available, kids can find any type of interest in an app. This might be translating into too many hours using devices and l...
Jan 23, 2015

The benefit of a smile goes a mile

The value of a smile to our health can not be underestimated. So teach kids to smile. Children smile naturally. But as we get older, with the responsibilities of home and work, we may find that we are smiling less and less. I remember looki...
Jan 19, 2015

We have a dream that ends childhood obesity

Martin Luther King Day celebrates an American hero who lead the civil rights movement. This is the time of year, that you will hear quotes from his great speech "I have a dream". "I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the diffi...
Jan 07, 2015

Five reasons family meals should be a family resolution

In my last post, I advocated for family mealtime as a great New Years family resolution. but if you need some more convincing here are some reasons why eating as a family may the key to a healthier child. First of all, we are moving in the righ...
Jan 05, 2015

One key resolution that will get families on the right tract to healthy eating

I hope everyone is off to a great 2015. A new year is a chance to make healthy changes in the home and start the year off on a healthy tract. But there are so many things you can pick to work on, if you could only pick one, what would it be? ...
Dec 26, 2014

Best family activities to burn off Christmas dinner

I hope everyone had a joyous and very merry Christmas. Family time, food, gifts, singing and dancing, games are all part of a special holiday season. I know I ate one too many Peruvian tamales. So today I am focused on getting some extra work...
Dec 12, 2014

7 homemade holiday gift ideas for the kids

It is that time of the year where we are busy shopping for presents. Kids want to be part of this too but of course, they don't have money to buy gifts. Teach children, this year, the beauty of homemade gifts. Nourish Thought for the Day:...
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