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Resources for parents - keeping nutrition fun

Posted on Sep 18, 2015 by Maggie LaBarbera

Friday Finds to Nourish Your Day:  

It’s Friday and we are happy to share these resources and materials to help you promote fun learning to nourish the children in your lives!

Keeping nutrition fun is our theme.  In fact you will often see our tagline at the bottom of the page:  "The fun way to learn about nutrition".  We don't mean just for kids, we want it to be a visually pleasing experience for parents and teachers as well.

We do this in a few ways:

one we keep our parenting handouts cute and designed so that it always conveys a positive and fun factor - parents can review their nutrition and healthy choice handout with their child

we have created tools that parents can use - we add in a fun element as well so that it is enjoyable to use and you can use it with a child.  

We don't want learning about nutrition to be boring for parents!  We know it is not the most exciting topic.  So we try to inject some cute graphics and outline the content to enhance the experience

We use our Chef Solus character as our spokesperson for our webpages and materials whether it is for the parent or teacher or for the child.  Using a character always inserts a little fun!

Use our nutrition tools designed for parents

download our nutrition, exercise and healthy family living parent handouts

Learn more about our members features in our grown-up section of the website

Cooking with kids - recipes that include steps just for kids

As a member, you can see other members' Top Pick choices that are found on our website

Check out our Nourish store, where you can find posters and books that all have a healthy theme and message for children and the family.  It is perfect for schools, afterschool programs and at home.





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