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Super Foods - what are they?

Posted on Jul 18, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

Have you heard of the term, Superfoods?  This is now a coined term used to describe those natural foods that are rich in nutrients and lower in calories.  This is a term associated frequently with dark leafy vegetables and also berries.

But I have been seeing this term creep onto products that are packaged and somewhat processed.  So be careful, because real superfoods are natural.  They are not processed.

Also, there is no one standard definition for just how much nutrients needs to be in the food in order to call it a "Superfoods".   This means that there are going to be lots of "Top 10 Superfoods" lists and articles found with varying foods found on those lists.  Because it is, to a certain perspective, subjective.  It is someone's opinion, as they have determined their own criteria for what Superfoods to choose.

We know that fruits and vegetables are good for our families.  We know they are filled with vitamins and minerals.  But superfoods are foods that go above and beyond this to actually make a difference in our health if we eat enough of it, regularly.

Here are some common characteristics of a superfood:

  • it has a high amount of vitamins and minerals (nutrient dense)
  • It has a variety of vitamins and minerals (nutrient rich)
  • It has Phytonutrient content  (chemical compounds that come from plants) Super foods are a good source of this.
  • Superfoods should be natural meaning it clean, hormone-free, chemical and pesticide-free

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

Don't get fooled by quick marketing claims found on boxes.  Most superfoods are natural and are not processed.







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